JESTER is a medium-sized Lollo Bionda lettuce suitable for year round production.
With less vigour than both Countess and Monroe, JESTER is ideally suited for the heat of the summer and autumn when it’s tightly curled leaf tips will tolerate high tip burn pressure.
JESTER shows strong bolting tolerance in late spring/ early summer and consistently presents highly uniform heads throughout the crop.
The leaves of JESTER are thick and crisp providing extended shelf life for sleeved heads.
JESTER has a strong disease package with full mildew cover (Bl. 16-40) and is Nasonovia resistant.
Light green colour
Medium head size
Medium vigour.
Suitable for field production and hydroponic systems
Strong tolerance to tip burn
Strong tolerance to bolting.
1M, 5M
High Resistance: Bl:16-40, Nr:0