CONQUEROR is a high quality drumhead cabbage with intermediate resistance to club root for warm season production.

CONQUEROR produces a medium sized head of green colour with exceptional internal qualities.

A key feature of this variety is the soft, sweet flavour, ideal for salads.

CONQUEROR produces an upright, mid sized frame offering protection from the sun.

This variety offers exceptional uniformity and holding ability, allowing for high cut-out rates.

Variety features

Green head colour
Globe head shape
1.5-3kg head weight
Medium head size.

Agronomic considerations

Warm season only
Strong field tolerance to black rot
Depending on planting time heads will mature in approximately 10-12 weeks.

A Hybrid Variety

Pack Sizes

10M, 50M, 100M

Disease Resistances

Intermediate Resistance: PB(0,1,3)

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Crop Type

Field Crops


Product Sheet



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