Tomatoberry, named for its strawberry shape that has also been described “heart-like”, is Tokita’renowneded speciality tomato which won the 3rd place for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award in 2008!
Absolutely brilliant in both the appearance and the taste, this shiny red tomato has a very high sugar and amino-acid content. It also contains high level of Lycopene, an Antioxidant considered effective for disease prevention.
One of its characteristics is the lack of grassiness in flavor, which makes it a great hit with everyone, including those who normally do note take to tomato.
Since its introduction to the market, Tomatoberry has been covered by various media; TV, newspaper, magazine and Internet. And its popularity is still growing!
Superior, old fashioned tomato taste
Heart-shaped and bite sized
Demand for Tomatoberry is rising throughout New Zealand
Average fruit weight: 8 - 12 grams
Size: Similar to a cherry tomato
Colour: Deep red
Texture and flavour: Thick flesh with a homegrown tomato-like flavour
Setting speed is relatively slow, it is to be harvested individually with the calyx on
Three trusses can be flowering / harvesting at once
The flower trusses are long with between 25 and 35 fruit per truss
The size of the fruit is quite uniform from the top to the bottom of the truss
Seed supplied by South Pacific Seeds and marketed by Freshmax.